Friday, August 31, 2012

Peanut Butter Shale

Good Friday morning! Have you had a good week? Can you BELIEVE it's the end of August? This year is flying by. I can't say I'll be completely sorry to see it go, but it does mean I'm getting older....:D

Today's review is a recipe from a blog named Cookistry, for peanut butter shale candy.

I'm going to give this a conditional YES, PLEASE; mine didn't spread nearly thin enough to be called shale, or to be munchable for any length of time. But I THINK, if I can figure out how to fix the problems next time, it will be much better.

The flavor isn't in question! It tastes just like peanut butter brittle. Kenn isn't supposed to eat peanuts, but he can eat peanut butter. And he loves peanut brittle and Butterfingers, so I thought he'd like this. Although he swears up and down he doesn't like peanut butter. :D

I think my biggest problem is that my pan wasn't deep enough for the candy thermometer to really be where it should, and that my mixture got hotter than it was supposed to. When I added the remaining ingredients, it tightened up so quickly I couldn't spread it very thinly. So it's in chunks instead of pieces, very difficult to really get a bite of! :D But it's good. And I can see using it for baking, if I pound the dickens out of it to make it small enough. :D

Let me know if you try it, and what you think! Enjoy your weekend; have fun, do something that makes your heart smile. Be BLESSED!

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